Thursday, June 28, 2007

Need some Tips

My wife has one of the hardest jobs (no its not being married to me...but thanks)

She's a stay at home mom for our 2 kids - Ages 2(Avery) and 1(Nora).

I don't know how she does it - i'd go insane with nobody to talk to except for people who almost speak English (though Avery speaks quite well and has a longer attention span than i do)...

The perpetual problem, though, is what to do? During non-summer months there was Music Class on Friday and Gymnastics on Wednesday and the Library Story Time on Tuesday - but now all that stuff is closed/stopped for the summer - the kids are board - so they're being a bit more grumpy then ANYONE should have to endure...

Jen has planned arts & crafts - but nobody wants to sit still long enough to get in to any sort of activity (well - whining...they seem to be really in to that)...


anyone got any ideas?


Maggie said...

Here are a few of the things I used to do with the four kids I was a nanny for: bike rids, pool (this was the favorite), library (even if there isn't story time they love it), go to the elementary school playgrounds, little hikes, walk by the river, baking cookies, playing in the sprinkler, interactive museums for kids, meet up with other babysitters/moms at the park, picnics (also a favorite, even if it is in the back yard), dress-up, pretend to "camp" by setting up a fort in the bedroom with all the lights out and snacks..., walking through the botanical gardens and seeing all of the butterflies.... i'm running out of things i remember.

The library amd pool were normally a daily activity when I watched the kids. We never went during story time or anything like that, but they love the kiddie section of the library because it is normally very fun looking, and also air-conditioned.

Hope that sparks some ideas...and if not... google it!

amy said...

i second the library idea...then maybe you'll meet more people? there's always riding lessons... ;)

Marc said...

they went to the library today and we went out to lunch - i think we should do that once a week - mmmm panera....

thanks mag!

amy - if i could get that kid on a horse i'd take her riding...but...she's 2..i dont think they'll take her...

Lynn said...

There's always visiting Grandma...