Wednesday, July 25, 2007

GB - A Clairification

As established, I have the coolest. grandmother. evar.

There has been some confusion, however, surrounding her nickname for the grandkids...and since mine was first, i win.

One day we were in her dining room while Jen was pregnant with Avery and the topic of "What to Call Grandma" came up...we decided that Great Grandma just wasnt fitting for the water-skiing, internet having before it was cool (yea when modems were 1200 bits per second...1.2 k people and she DIDNT have AOL like the rest of the internet community -she had an independent connection that used Netscape 1.0 as the browser....on her apple...), golf playing (duh), traveling etc wonder woman that is my grandmother...

so...she said "Well, just call me Bob"

And i said "Bob's close but not quite right"

She said "Grandma Bob"

Done. Her nickname for the great-grandkids would be Grandma Bob - or GB.

Some people are confused because her nickname for regular folk is Betty, so they Ass-u-me that GB=Grandma Betty.

They are incorrect.

GB=Grandma Bob.


amy said...

yes, i remember that was 'bob' after the cat.

GB said...

Thanks, Marc. You are absolutely right--how could I forget!!

gardenboy said...

I do remember that hearing that conversation.

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